On these pages the research group »Research on Teachers and Teacher Education« informs about current and finished research projects.
Professional Ethics and Responsibility in the Teaching Profession (BeValue)
While the discussion about values in public and school has undergone a renaissance, the questions about the professional ethos and the responsibility of teachers are rarely worked out empirically in scientific research, especially in Germany. The research project takes up this desideratum and focuses on value commitments in the teachers’ profession and teachers' training. Starting from the current state of research, the historical-contextual development with reference to the teachers' profession and teachers' education is worked through, as well as a comparative analysis of the specific professional ethos of different professions (for example teacher profession vs. medical profession). On this basis, an instrument for the recording of professional ethos of teachers as well as school leaders is developed and a written survey is carried out with a focus on values. The aim of the analysis is the confirmation of the ethos concept adopted in the instrument and the validation of the empirical construct 'professional teacher ethos' (for example in contrast to teacher beliefs). As a result, the research project contributes to a historical, theoretical and empirical sharpening of 'professional teacher ethos', provides a valid instrument for its appraisal, and establishes value commitments as a relevant construct in addition to teacher beliefs in professorial research. The findings can provide a prospective indication of the relevance of professional ethics and responsibility in the teaching profession. The principal investigator is Dr. Martin Drahmann.
Project Team Members
Dr. Martin Drahmann (principal investigator, deceased in 2019)
Prof. Dr. Colin Cramer, PD Dr. Dr. Martin Harant, Prof. Dr. Samuel Merk (researchers with affiliation)
Drahmann, M., & Cramer, C. (2021). The Professional Ethos of Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, and Clergy. A Comparison of Ethos in Different Professions. In F. Oser, K. Heinrichs, J. Bauer & T. Lovat (Eds.), The International Handbook of Teacher Ethos: Strengthening Teachers, Supporting Learners (pp. 415–427). Dodrecht: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73644-6_24
Drahmann, M. (2020). Ethostheorien: Perspektiven auf den Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerberuf. In M. Harant, U. Kühler & P. Thomas (Hrsg.), Theorien! Horizonte für die Lehrerbildung. Tübingen: University Press.
Drahmann, M., Merk, S., & Cramer, C. (2019). Werthaltungen im Lehrerberuf. Forschungsstand zu deren Erfassung und Konstruktvalidierung des ‚Tübingen Inventory for Measuring Value Orientation in the Teaching Profession‘ (TIVO). In C. Rotter, C. Schülke & C. Bressler (Hrsg.), Lehrerhandeln – eine Frage der Haltung? (S. 174–193). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Cramer, C., & Oser, F. (Hrsg.) (201 ). Ethos. – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerberuf. In memoriam Martin Drahmann. Münster: Waxmann.
Presentation at the Teacher Training College S.G.S. Government I.A.S.E. in Rajahmundry (India): Values as a Part of Ethos. [Presentation by M. Drahmann]
Importance on Teacher Ethos‘ at Laurel High Global School in Rajamahendravarm (India): Does Teacher Ethos matter? [Presentation by M. Drahmann]
Lehrer. Bildung. Gestalten. 83. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) in Lüneburg: Allgemeine und berufsspezifische Wertorientierungen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern in Deutschland. [Einzelvortrag von M. Drahmann, S. Merk und C. Cramer]
EARLI SIG-13 and InZentIM confernce at the University Duisburg-Essen. Values as a Part of Teacher Ethos in Times of Migration. [Presentation by M. Drahmann, S. Merk und C. Cramer]
EARLI SIG-13 and InZentIM confernce at the University Duisburg-Essen. Performance, Participation and Teacher Ethos in Education on Democratic Citizinship. [Presentation by M. Drahmann, F. Schreiber, M. Harant und C. Cramer]
Philosophy – Education – School. Erasmus+ Staff Training Week at the University of Tuebingen: Performance – Participation – Teacher Ethos. [Presentation by M. Harant, M. Drahmann & C. Cramer]
Unterricht. Leistung. Teilhabe. 6. Tübinger Tagung Schulpädagogik am 02.03.2016: Leistung oder Teilhabe? Berufsethos von Lehrerinnen und Lehern. [Einzelvortrag von M. Harant, M. Drahmann & C. Cramer]
Berufsethos. Werte im beruflichen Handeln von Lehrer*innen (Reihe »New Topics Lehrer*innenbildung« der Tübingen School of Education): Berufsethos im Lehrerinnen und Lehrerberuf. Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Perspektiven. [Impulsvortrag von M. Drahmann]