On these pages the research group »Research on Teachers and Teacher Education« informs about current and finished research projects.
In-service Professionalization of Teachers (BeProf)
Teachers at school conduct a challenging professional activity that is characterized by many uncertain decision-making situations. The basic skills and competencies for this profession are intended to be acquired in formal teacher education, which consists of university studies as well as the practice-based pre-service training and is completed with a formal qualification. However, it is becoming apparent that the skills and competencies once acquired, are not sufficient for professional practice on the long run, which often lasts for decades, and that lifelong job-related learning is necessary. This proves to be essential in the light of ongoing social changes, technological developments and the challenges posed by crisis situations. In addition to this, teachers usually teach their classes alone and therefore lack external input for the development of their professional competencies. To this end, in addition to participation in organized professional trainings and development programs, the use of so-called "informal" learning opportunities is an important element of individual professionalization which is initiated and carried out by the teachers themselves. These include, for example, reading relevant literature or teaching-related exchange with other teachers, but also autonomous reflection or obtaining teaching feedback on their own teaching. The project BeProf aims to investigate which formal and informal learning opportunities are used by teachers during their professional career and how they affect their professional development. Furthermore, the project will investigate which individual characteristics of teachers and their formal education, as well as of schools and their leadership, emerge as favorable for the use of learning opportunities and the associated in-service professionalization.
Röhl, S., Groß Ophoff, J., Johannmeyer, K., & Cramer, C. (2023). Nutzung und Bedingungsfaktoren informeller Lerngelegenheiten von Lehrpersonen in Deutschland. Unterrichtswissenschaft. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42010-023-00170-5
Röhl, S., Cramer, C., & Mayr, J. (2024). Lehrpersonen lernen: Nutzung und Nützlichkeit von Lerngelegenheiten und ihre Beziehung zur Berufserfahrung. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung. https://doi.org/10.1007/s35834-024-00414-z
Tagung »Wie viel Wissenschaft braucht die Lehrer:innenfortbildung? Wege der Professionlaisierung« an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Vorarlberg: Wege und Qualitäten des beruflichen Lernens von Lehrpersonen. S. Röhl, C. Cramer and J. Mayr. [presentation]
Bildung zwischen Unsicherheit und Evidenz. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Duisburg-Essen: Nutzung und Bedingungsfaktoren informeller Lerngelegenheiten von Lehrpersonen in Deutschland. S. Röhl, J. Groß Ophoff and C. Cramer. [presentation]