On these pages the research group »Research on Teachers and Teacher Education« informs about current and finished research projects.
Finished Projects
finished 07/2023
Teachers’ Education, Development and Career in Austria (TEDCA)
finished 12/2021
Leadership in German Schools (LineS2020)
finished 08/2021
Digitalization in the Teaching Profession (DiLL)
finished 06/2021
Tübingen Inventory to Measure Value-Orientation in the Teaching Profession (TIVO)
finished 10/2020
Handbook of Teacher Education (HaLe)
finished 01/2019
Expertise on the Professional Development of Teachers in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (LEFT_bw)
since 08/2016
Mentor-Mentee-Relationship in a Long Term Internships (MEET)
finished 01/2019
Professional Ethics and Responsibility in the Teaching Profession (BeValue)