On these pages the research group »Research on Teachers and Teacher Education« informs about current and finished research projects.
Handbook of Teacher Education (HaLe)

Together with colleagues, the research group is working on a new edition of the German ›Handbook of Teacher Education‹ that will be published in October 2020. Please contact us for further information.
Prof. Dr. Colin Cramer (Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Johannes König (Cologne)
Prof. Dr. Martin Rothland (Münster)
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke (Oslo)
Content and further information
The table of content is abailable here for download.
The handbook on the pages of Verlag Julius Klinkhardt is linked here.
The handbook on the pages of utb publishers is linked here.
An announcement of the handbook can be found here.
Open Access
All articles of the handbook can be downloaded here for free.